It has been a busy week, full of midterm exams, assignments, and group projects, which can be quite exhausting. Luckily, and possibly to cheer us up, the weather really was on its best behavior which led to temperatures around 20 degrees all week. It was fascinating to observe this, and I very much enjoyed it, that once the sun came out everybody was sitting outside all around town, eating ice cream, hanging around with friends, and certainly, because it was inevitable this week, was studying outside. Since the weather in Ohio changes in a blink of an eye, everybody was enjoying the good weather as long as it lasted (which unfortunately was only until today, now we're back somewhere around 7 degrees). Annika and I also cherished the high temperatures on Friday by sitting on College Green, with some iced green tea from donkey's and homemade pancakes, which made studying immediately so much better. Another fact, which keeps my good mood is the fact is that there are only a couple of days left until Spring Break! To be honest, I have never understood the necessity of a one-week holiday in the middle of the semester, however, now I have successfully accomplished all my midterm exams I am very much looking forward to some exciting days in Washington D.C. and New York City. Besides my studies, I am already planning on what to do in D.C., simply because there is so much to do and I have the feeling that those five days we'll be having won't nearly be enough; therefore, I'll give my best to visit as much as I can to report on our very own Spring Break experience afterwards. While walking around town, it seems as if I am not the only one being excited about the upcoming free time; the tanning studio on Court Street is constantly packed, the little clothing shops are advertising sandals and bikinis and people genuinely seem to be relieved that the first part of midterms will be over soon. I will now get back to writing my paper on white privilege, and daydreaming of New York from time to time. I will keep you posted!

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