Friday, March 25, 2016

Lots of Work and Plans

Life is going very well in Athens. I am very busy but am still having a great time with all my classes and free-time activities. By now I am used to being very “scheduled” all day long and running from one place to the next and to the next...

I have a few day trips planned for the next weekends and hope that this will still allow me enough time for all of my homework and the upcoming finals. Technically, I will not really have any exams that I need to study for but projects that I need to hand in. However, I am sure these projects will need just as much time (if not more!) than a written exam. I have a lot of assignments due in the coming weeks as well, so my last month at Ohio University will likely be very stressful. But, as I have found, it is not the kind of stress that makes you want to bang your head against the wall but rather a “good” stress, if that makes any sense. In any case, I cannot believe that it is only one more month and then our time will almost be over here. Time sure does fly.

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