First of all: so much has happened! The past two weeks went by way too fast, but I enjoyed every minute of it. Even though it's been more than a week, the images of the amazing 4th of July fireworks are still on my mind. There are so many options around Atlanta of what to do on this day; watching the fireworks and Laser Show at Stone Mountain, see the Peachtree Parade (which is a 10k run), or so many other things which I can't even remember. I chose a very popular one: watching the fireworks in Centennial Olympic Park, right next to CNN, the Georgia Aquarium, and the World of Coca Cola. I don't even know how many people attended this event, but on the website it said that last year around 30 000 people went. Everybody was sitting on the grass, enjoying a picnic and some quality time with their family and friends, when at 9:45 pm the fireworks started. It was a huge show with music and all kinds of fireworks which went on for about 20 minutes. Even though I was stuck in traffic for an hour afterwards it was incredibly beautiful, a great experience and definitely worth it.

Due to the festivities, I had Monday and Tuesday off at work, which was a nice break to relax for a while after the stressful week before our deadline in June. Even though I already had a long weekend, my week got even better because: I went to Florida! On Friday I took a plane down to Miami, where I met Jojo at the airport, impatiently waiting for her flight from Hamburg to come in.

A few thoughts on Miami: it is incredibly beautiful and full of life, even hotter than Georgia (when I told my coworkers that I thought it would be equally hot in Miami and Atlanta they just laughed at me), and you're definitely a bit lost when you can't speak Spanish. Overall, it was such an amazing trip, and we were running around all day to see as much as we could. On Saturday, which was my 22. birthday, we went to Downtown Miami and Little Havana. When you're in Miami it actually feels like you're much further south, and not even in the US anymore, since pretty much everybody speaks Spanish and naturally you can see the Latin American influence in the infrastructure, as well as in restaurants and shops around the city. We rented a car so on Sunday we drove down the Florida Keys because we really wanted to see the landscape and hopefully go swimming. Even though we did go swimming it wasn't as satisfying as hoped, since the water had about the same temperature as it was outside, and you could walk around 100 meters into the water and it would still be shallow, therefore also really warm.

However, it was still absolutely stunning to look at, and I'm glad that we went on the trip. On Sunday night we drove to Miami Beach, to finally see South Beach and the Ocean Drive, which was another great experience. We were lucky to see an incredibly beautiful sunset on South Beach, and enjoyed some Spanish Tortilla in a restaurant later on. I took approximately 500 photos that day, because everything just looks so beautiful. Unfortunately, we had to go back on Monday in the afternoon, since I had to go back to work on Tuesday. However, our flight didn't leave until 4:40, so we took the time to go to Miami Beach again, to sit on the beach and enjoy the ocean view for a little longer.

It was still pretty early, so we finally got the chance to go to the pool of our absolutely amazing AirBnb (seriously, so great), and enjoy some more of the Florida sunshine. Time went by way too fast, and I wish we had had more time in Miami, but I guess that's always the case, so I'm just really happy that I got to see all those beautiful spots in Miami and its surrounding. I'm back in Atlanta and back at work now, but I'm already excited for my next trip in almost two weeks to New York City, where I get to see Annika again!
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