Time flies! I can't believe that our time at OU is almost over. At the moment there isn't much going on, except preparing for finals week. The last weeks everybody was busy with assignments, writing papers, and trying to find an internship. Finding an internship wasn't as much fun or as easy as I'd hoped it would be, which is why I am more than happy to have found something which interests me, and I'm really looking forward to spending my summer in Atlanta. Even though I'm very excited about the nice and warm weather in the South, Ohio has been very pleasant in the past couple of weeks. I tried to take as many photos as I could without looking like an undergrad applicant, who seem to be all around campus these days. The warm weather is like "soul food" for me, and I'm enjoying every minute of sunshine I can get, even though this happens a lot from inside with at least an open window. People seem to be genuinely happy that the semester is almost over, however, I have seen some sad faces of the seniors who are leaving OU this summer.

To be honest, when I came to Athens I couldn't wait for summer and to get out of this small town, because, let's face it, Athens isn't the most exciting place on this planet. However, this definitely changed throughout time. I don't know if it's the weather which makes everything looks nicer or it's because I got used to everything. Even though, I am more than excited to live in a city as diverse as Atlanta is, I kind of really like Athens now. I feel like after almost four months of living here I know how life works. I learned how things work at school, where to get good food, and more importantly good coffee and tea, and I got to know lovely people who made my time at OU so much better. I would've never thought that I'd feel this way when I first came to Athens, but I actually am a little bit melancholy when I think about leaving this place. I think I'll leave Athens (which will be in less than two weeks!) with mixed feelings, however, definitely ready for some new adventures, and new experiences I'll make during my time in Atlanta. Since my internship doesn't start until May 15, luckily I have some free time to relax after I'm done with my finals. Annika and I have some very exciting plans for the first weeks of May and I cannot wait for them to happen, but this is another story for another time!
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