Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Two Months Of Adventuring And Traveling

After 240 hours and eight weeks of work, I have successfully completed my internship with Banisters Leadership Academy. Looking back, I gained a lot experience and got a great insight into the world of non-profit organizations. I got a lot of hands-on experience when working with the children but I also learned about the other sides of a non-profit organization. During my last week of the internship we had a fund raising event where we sold fireworks for the 4th of July. The Sunday before the 4th of July was my last day at work and it made me a little bit sad knowing I would have to leave soon. 

I have spent my very first 4th of July holiday in a small city called Bridgewater/ South Dakota. My roommate was so kind, and took me there to celebrate with her family and friends. South Dakota is a really pretty state and even though some people might think there is not much to see, there is actually a lot you can do. I wished we would have been able to stay longer than just two days. Sioux Falls is really cute city with a gorgeous downtown area, and an impressive public park called Falls Park. Beside Mount Rushmore this park is definitely worth going to South Dakota. Through the park runs the Big Sioux River, and it includes some cute gift stores, an observation tower, and the remains of an old mill.

 Since I don't have any obligations concerning school anymore I am now “free” and can do whatever I want. I have planned a two-month trip through six states. I will travel to Florida, Louisiana, Alabama, Tennessee, California, and Nevada. Right now, I am sitting at Chicago Midway airport waiting to board for my flight to Fort Lauderdale. I am really excited to arrive in Florida since I am going to stay with some family for about two weeks. They have lived in the U.S. for about 30 years and I never met them before.

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